The Mt. Lebanon Partnership is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We recognize that accessible, equitable, inclusive practices benefit the community in a multitude of ways, and we strive to work collaboratively with the municipality and local businesses to ensure an accessible and inclusive environment, contributing to an engaged community and a sense of vitality.



The Mt. Lebanon Partnership is a 501c3 non-for-profit corporation whose mission is to create a vibrant community in Mt. Lebanon by promoting economic growth and preventing or correcting deterioration through the implementation of economic restructuring, design, promotions and organizational plans developed by the Mt. Lebanon Partnership Board of Directors on behalf of the business owners, property owners, residents and volunteers within Mt. Lebanon commercial districts.

The Mt. Lebanon Partnership is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, color, ancestry, disabilities or any other characteristic protected by law. Reasonable accommodations for the needs of otherwise qualified applicants with disabilities will be made upon request. All information requested through the application process is solicited for the purpose of determining abilities and skills required for proper job placement and to facilitate verification of the information requested.