Dear Friends,

We know the stress all of us are feeling right now. Planning anything for the future seems daunting when each day brings new challenges. How can we plan for 6 months from now not knowing what tomorrow will bring?

We understand the emotional toll everyone is feeling. Will there even be an art festival this year? While we wish we had a crystal ball, know that as of now we are going to proceed as planned.

We are committed to our goals of providing our artists and the community with another memorable “artful experience” in spite of so many unknowns. Therefore, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are extending the Mt. Lebanon Artists’ Market application deadline. If circumstances force a cancellation, we will guarantee a full refund of any fees you have incurred.

We hope this alleviates some of the pressure you are feeling. We will do our best to have the initial jurying completed by the end of May. As soon as we can, we will announce the additional jury selections. In the meantime, we are looking forward to another successful event.

Click here for the application and follow us on Facebook for any new developments. We will continue to be in touch!

Wendy and Steve Denenberg